
Ainul 9 Ainul at the TikTok office after a paper making workshop where they invited several educational TikTok creators. She was there as a participant and made her own paper
September 18, 2023

Why Are There So Few Women in Tech? Content Creator & Software Engineer Ainul Md Razib Speaks Up

In the second of this 4-part series, SpudnikLab has a conversation with content creator and software engineer Ainul Md Razib about the gender gap in the tech industry, her experience being female in the tech field, and what can be done to get more women into tech.

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August 30, 2023

Why Are There So Few Women in Tech? Compelling Stats on Gender Discrimination in the Tech Field

Why are there so few women in tech? In this 4-part series, SpudnikLab looks at some data and speaks to 3 women in the tech industry.

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July 22, 2021

KaiOS smart feature phones come with their own app store with KaiOS apps!

Retro cool KaiOS smart feature phones have their own app store with apps for everything from financial literacy to healthcare information, and of course games!

KaiOS phones n boxes touched
July 1, 2021

Retro phones are back, now preloaded with apps and the internet

Remember Nokia and Sony Ericsson? Retro keypad phones are back, now called smart feature phones and updated wifi and bluetooth capabilities, selfie cameras, GPS and the glorious universe of apps.

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February 13, 2021

Social Media: The New Ticket Out of Poverty in the Philippines?

Becoming a social media star has helped those from underprivileged backgrounds gain new freedom.

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January 4, 2021

Indonesian Online Education: Digital Anxiety, Digital Illiteracy and the Digital Divide

A thriving online classroom requires a new skill set for teachers, many of whom are digitally illiterate and face digital anxiety. The first step of a solution is the willingness to change.

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October 4, 2020

Digital access in Indonesia—a luxury for learning in a time of pandemic

In pandemic times, the ideal of online learning through technological capability remains, for some, just an ideal.

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September 10, 2020

Bridging the digital divide in Singapore

How some groups are working to close the gap between the digital haves and have-nots, in the city-state purported to be the technology capital of Asia, one laptop at a time.
